- Laminar flow cabinet
Biological safety cabinet
Fume hood
Pass box
air shower
- Autoclave/Steam sterilizer
- Incubator
Drying Oven
Clean sampling vehicle
Medical hand washing sink
Weighing booth
Particle counter
Air sampler
Muffle furnace
water distiller
ozone generator
water bath
Air purifier
vacuum pump
Colony counter
Pen PH meter
Vortex mixer
Glass bead sterilizer
Fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, clean benches…What’s the difference?
日期:2025-01-22 11:43
Fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, clean benches…What’s the difference?
Fume hoods, biological safety cabi- classes, each class has a specific ous chemicals since these chemicals
nets and clean benches are three purpose. Class I BSCs protect the would be recirculated into the room. If
common laboratory ventilation de- worker and the environment, but pro- biological work requires a class II cabi-
vices designed to protect the worker vides no protection to the experi- net with chemical use, the air from that
and/or the experiment. It is impor- ment. Ambient air is pulled from the cabinet must be filtered then ex-
tant to know when each is necessary working space into the cabinet and hausted outside of the building through
and under which conditions each across the experiment. This ambient permanent ducts.
should be used. air can introduce contaminants into
the experiment. All the airflow is into Class III BSCs protect the workers, the
Fume hoods are used to keep flam- the cabinet, so the worker is pro- environment and the experiments. The
mable, toxic or odorous materials tected from the experiment. The air cabinet is gas-tight with a non-opening
from entering the worker’s breathing is passed through a HEPA filter, and view window, and has rubber gloves
zone. Fume hoods pull ambient air then is exhausted; use of the filter attached to ports in the cabinet that
out of the working area, into the fume protects the workers and the environ- allow for manipulation of materials in
hood and exhaust it outside the ment from the exhaust. the cabinet. Class III BSCs are typi-
building. Gases, vapors and fumes cally used for the most hazardous bio-
generated inside the hood are ex- Class II BSCs (the most common at logical work; this level of hazardous
hausted along with all the moving air. Ohio University) protect the workers, biological work is not permitted at Ohio
Information about the proper use of the environment and the experiment. University so no class III BSCs are
fume hoods can be found at http:// Ambient air is pulled from the work used.
space into the cabinet, where the air
FumehoodSafetynewsletter.pdf. is initially passed through a HEPA A clean bench supplies particle free
Work with some highly hazardous filter. The filtered air is then passed HEPA-filtered air to a product. Clean
materials (such as air reactive over the experiment being con- benches are typically used to provide a
chemicals) may require more protec- ducted. After passing over the ex- dust and particle free air supply when
tion than offered by a fume hood; periment, the air is again passed working with some medical or elec-
contact EHS for more information. through the HEPA filter. Some of the tronic devices. The ambient air is
filtered air is used for the experiment pulled into the cabinet and passed
Biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are and some of the filtered air is ex- through a HEPA filter. The filtered air
primary containment devices for use hausted. Class II BSCs can either is passed over the experiment or de-
with biological materials. For infor- exhaust filtered air into the work vices and exhausted directly onto the
mation on the correct use of BSCs, space or exhaust the filtered air out- worker. Do not use biohazardous ma-
see the Ohio University Biosafety side. Filtering only removes particles; terials or chemicals in a clean bench
Manual filtering does not remove vapors and because contaminated air is directed
docs/Biosafety_Manual_2007.pdf. gases. Therefore, BSCs that ex- towards the workers.
BSCs are broken into three haust the filtered air into the work-
4 space cannot be used with hazard-
Fume hoods, biological safety cabi- classes, each class has a specific ous chemicals since these chemicals
nets and clean benches are three purpose. Class I BSCs protect the would be recirculated into the room. If
common laboratory ventilation de- worker and the environment, but pro- biological work requires a class II cabi-
vices designed to protect the worker vides no protection to the experi- net with chemical use, the air from that
and/or the experiment. It is impor- ment. Ambient air is pulled from the cabinet must be filtered then ex-
tant to know when each is necessary working space into the cabinet and hausted outside of the building through
and under which conditions each across the experiment. This ambient permanent ducts.
should be used. air can introduce contaminants into
the experiment. All the airflow is into Class III BSCs protect the workers, the
Fume hoods are used to keep flam- the cabinet, so the worker is pro- environment and the experiments. The
mable, toxic or odorous materials tected from the experiment. The air cabinet is gas-tight with a non-opening
from entering the worker’s breathing is passed through a HEPA filter, and view window, and has rubber gloves
zone. Fume hoods pull ambient air then is exhausted; use of the filter attached to ports in the cabinet that
out of the working area, into the fume protects the workers and the environ- allow for manipulation of materials in
hood and exhaust it outside the ment from the exhaust. the cabinet. Class III BSCs are typi-
building. Gases, vapors and fumes cally used for the most hazardous bio-
generated inside the hood are ex- Class II BSCs (the most common at logical work; this level of hazardous
hausted along with all the moving air. Ohio University) protect the workers, biological work is not permitted at Ohio
Information about the proper use of the environment and the experiment. University so no class III BSCs are
fume hoods can be found at http:// Ambient air is pulled from the work used.
space into the cabinet, where the air
FumehoodSafetynewsletter.pdf. is initially passed through a HEPA A clean bench supplies particle free
Work with some highly hazardous filter. The filtered air is then passed HEPA-filtered air to a product. Clean
materials (such as air reactive over the experiment being con- benches are typically used to provide a
chemicals) may require more protec- ducted. After passing over the ex- dust and particle free air supply when
tion than offered by a fume hood; periment, the air is again passed working with some medical or elec-
contact EHS for more information. through the HEPA filter. Some of the tronic devices. The ambient air is
filtered air is used for the experiment pulled into the cabinet and passed
Biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are and some of the filtered air is ex- through a HEPA filter. The filtered air
primary containment devices for use hausted. Class II BSCs can either is passed over the experiment or de-
with biological materials. For infor- exhaust filtered air into the work vices and exhausted directly onto the
mation on the correct use of BSCs, space or exhaust the filtered air out- worker. Do not use biohazardous ma-
see the Ohio University Biosafety side. Filtering only removes particles; terials or chemicals in a clean bench
Manual filtering does not remove vapors and because contaminated air is directed
docs/Biosafety_Manual_2007.pdf. gases. Therefore, BSCs that ex- towards the workers.
BSCs are broken into three haust the filtered air into the work-
4 space cannot be used with hazard-