Classification and operation specifications of transfer windows

日期:2024-09-19 04:34
摘要: Classification and operation specifications of transfer windows Transfer windows can be divided into three categories: 1. Electronic chain transfer windows 2. Mechanical chain transfer windows 3. Self cleaning transfer windows The transfer window can be divided into wind shower type transfer window, ordinary transfer window, and laminar flow transfer window according to its working principle. Various types of transfer windows can be made according to actual requirements. Optional a

Classification and operation specifications of transfer windows

Transfer windows can be divided into three categories: 1. Electronic chain transfer windows 2. Mechanical chain transfer windows 3. Self cleaning transfer windows
The transfer window can be divided into wind shower type transfer window, ordinary transfer window, and laminar flow transfer window according to its working principle. Various types of transfer windows can be made according to actual requirements.
Optional accessories: walkie talkies, sterilization lights, and other related functional accessories.

1. Purpose: The sterilization method of the barrier system for items that are not resistant to high temperature and high pressure sterilization.

According to: Regulations on the Management of Experimental Animals (Order No. 2 of the National Science and Technology Commission of the People's Republic of China, 1988) and Requirements for Animal Breeding Facilities (National Standards of the People's Republic of China, 2001).

3 Operating procedures:
(1) Wipe the item to be transferred with 0.5% peracetic acid or 5% iodine solution.
(2) Open the side door outside the transfer window, quickly place the items to be transferred, disinfect the transfer window with 0.5% peracetic acid spray, and close the side door outside the transfer window.
(3) Turn on the ultraviolet light inside the transfer window, and the ultraviolet light should illuminate the item to be transferred for no less than 15 minutes.
(4) Notify the experimenters or staff within the barrier system to open the side door of the transfer window and remove the item.
(5) Close the inner side door of the transfer window.