- Laminar flow cabinet
Biological safety cabinet
Fume hood
Pass box
air shower
- Autoclave/Steam sterilizer
- Incubator
Drying Oven
Clean sampling vehicle
Medical hand washing sink
Weighing booth
Particle counter
Air sampler
Muffle furnace
water distiller
ozone generator
water bath
Air purifier
vacuum pump
Colony counter
Pen PH meter
Vortex mixer
Glass bead sterilizer
What can and cannot be done when using a clean bench?
日期:2025-02-13 11:57
摘要:What to do 1. Always minimize clutter. A decontamination bench is not a locker. The presence of debris impedes laminar flow around the work area. Plus, the mess makes cleaning work surfaces very difficult. 2. Always wash your hands and arms before entering. People are the most critical source of contamination, and touch is the most common method of introducing contamination into sterile products. Proper hand washing is very important because there are countless bacterial components in your finge
What to do 1. Always minimize clutter. A decontamination bench is not a locker. The presence of debris impedes laminar flow around the work area. Plus, the mess makes cleaning work surfaces very difficult. 2. Always wash your hands and arms before entering. People are the most critical source of contamination, and touch is the most common method of introducing contamination into sterile products. Proper hand washing is very important because there are countless bacterial components in your fingers. Hand washing should not only be done before, but also after, on the bench. 3. Objects should be arranged in such a way that the full benefits of laminar air flow are fully obtained. Properly arrange everything in a laminar flow bench to provide a work area that should be flushed directly with clean air from a ULPA filter. 4. Avoid spraying or spraying the solution on the HEPA/ULPA filter. Do not allow any items to come into contact with the HEPA/ULPA filter so as not to pollute the downstream air. 5. Remove the outer bag and wrap around the edges of the work area. Outer bags and wrappers are non-sterile items, which means they can introduce contaminants into the bench. They are also considered chaotic, so they can disrupt laminar airflow patterns. 6. Do not put large objects behind the hood. Large objects can contaminate everything else downstream and can also disrupt laminar airflow patterns, suspending contaminants and removing them from the area. 7. Keep coughing, move quickly and speak as little as possible in the main work area. Human activity generates particles. Particles disrupt the laminar flow of air, which can also be a cause of pollution. If talking is necessary, keep it away from the workbench. 8. Be sure to sterilize the material before entering the laminar flow cabinet. Only place sterile materials in a clean work area. Make sure all items are properly sanitized so as not to contaminate the bench.
NOT DO 1. Put any waste and other items in the hood. Waste and non-sterile items can cause airflow turbulence and introduce contaminants into clean benches and sterile samples. 2. Wear any jewelry on hands and wrists. Jewelry are non-sterile items, so they can introduce bacteria or particles into a clean work area. They also reduce hand cleanliness if worn on a bench. 3. Keep critical items away from air sources. Maintain a direct open path between the filter and the interior area of the cooker hood where the work program is carried out. The air downstream of non-sterile items is contaminated with particles produced by these items. 4. When opening the ampoule or adjusting the syringe, aim near the filter. Salt solutions in ampoules and syringes can deposit on HEPA/ULPA filters, which can damage the filter. 5. Bring unnecessary items to the main work area. The introduction of unnecessary items into the work area should be avoided as much as possible. Traffic flow into the clean area should be minimized. 6. Place large objects near the rear of the cabinet as they can disrupt the laminar flow pattern of the air and contaminate everything downstream. 7. Use non-sterile materials. Unsterilized materials introduce contaminants into a clean bench, thus defeating the primary purpose of a decontamination bench, which is to protect your product from indoor contaminants.
NOT DO 1. Put any waste and other items in the hood. Waste and non-sterile items can cause airflow turbulence and introduce contaminants into clean benches and sterile samples. 2. Wear any jewelry on hands and wrists. Jewelry are non-sterile items, so they can introduce bacteria or particles into a clean work area. They also reduce hand cleanliness if worn on a bench. 3. Keep critical items away from air sources. Maintain a direct open path between the filter and the interior area of the cooker hood where the work program is carried out. The air downstream of non-sterile items is contaminated with particles produced by these items. 4. When opening the ampoule or adjusting the syringe, aim near the filter. Salt solutions in ampoules and syringes can deposit on HEPA/ULPA filters, which can damage the filter. 5. Bring unnecessary items to the main work area. The introduction of unnecessary items into the work area should be avoided as much as possible. Traffic flow into the clean area should be minimized. 6. Place large objects near the rear of the cabinet as they can disrupt the laminar flow pattern of the air and contaminate everything downstream. 7. Use non-sterile materials. Unsterilized materials introduce contaminants into a clean bench, thus defeating the primary purpose of a decontamination bench, which is to protect your product from indoor contaminants.