About laboratory fume hoods

日期:2024-07-25 17:19
摘要:As we all know, the laboratory bench, like the fume hood, is an important type of laboratory equipment, and is the most commonly used exhaust equipment in the laboratory, which brings a good environment to the laboratory. To install a suitable fume hood, the overall position must be confirmed, otherwise the ventilation effect will have a great impact. Fume hood application field Of course, you must first understand the relationship between the air and the fume hood before you unders
As we all know, the laboratory bench, like the fume hood, is an important type of laboratory equipment, and is the most commonly used exhaust equipment in the laboratory, which brings a good environment to the laboratory. To install a suitable fume hood, the overall position must be confirmed, otherwise the ventilation effect will have a great impact.

Fume hood application field

Of course, you must first understand the relationship between the air and the fume hood before you understand the experimental bench or fume hood. The air passes through the fume hood with the help of a fan to create a negative pressure environment and protect users from harmful gases. The air travels at a certain speed, and the wind speed of the fume hood is measured in the plane of the sliding door, called the face wind speed, in feet per minute (fpm).
Face wind speed is related to the amount of air passing through the fume hood. The amount of air is called the volume flow rate and is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). The more air drawn through the opening, the faster the air will flow.
Fume hoods play an important role in any laboratory. The main function is to discharge any substances that may cause harm, such as smoke, aerosols, gases, vapors and dust. In laboratory operations, safety is the main purpose of using a fume hood, and its function is to ensure the safety of users and prevent pollution to the surrounding environment.

Structural characteristics of fume hood

Schematic diagram of fume hood parameters

The fume hood has a certain degree of attention to its cleaning and maintenance, and the correct cleaning and maintenance of the test bench can extend it. Here are some ways to properly clean and maintain the test bench:
1. If there are stubborn stains on the test bench, you can drop hypochlorous acid on the surface of the contaminated corrosion-resistant physical and chemical board and clean it, and you need to pay attention to using a disinfector to clean the stubborn stains on the surface. Do not use sharp hard objects. Draw.
2. Do not place the test bench in a humid environment with a temperature higher than 135℃ for a long time.
3. Regularly open windows for ventilation to ensure the air quality and the working environment of the staff.
4. It should be noted that the test bench should not be in direct contact with flames, molten metal, metal sparks and other high-temperature objects.
5. Wipe the surface of the test bench regularly with warm water. You can also use ketones or mild detergents to wipe the test bench. Use hand sanitizer or detergent to wipe the test bench, but do not use detergents containing abrasives and strong acids to avoid abrasion. , Corrosion surface.
6. Avoid prolonged sunlight exposure, so as not to affect its appearance or molten metal.
7. The flame of the alcohol lamp will damage the test bench, so it should be used on a tripod.
8. When the gap between the door of the test bench has been used for a long time and there will be uneven size, you can use a screwdriver to adjust the hinge on the door. It is very simple, and it is not a quality problem. If the drawer slips to the point of failure, there is nothing wrong with it. Ask the manufacturer to mail another pair of slips. These situations can easily occur.